Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hey...I'm upset. I'm upset about Cena at Team Club Penguin Cheats for not writing back to me once, which you heard me complaining about on WLCP. I'm upset about Club Penguin. I got the Club Penguin DS game for Xmas. I tried to go onto the internet to upload my coins,but my password was too long. So, I went on the website to change it, and I did. Then I entered it on the DS game, and it worked. Then I could upload my coins. A little while after, I tried to go onto Club Penguin, but I couldn't remember my password. So, I tried to go onto the section where I could change it, and I entered in my penguin's name, Petey Flipp. I entered in the email address I gave when I made Petey, and clicked Submit. It said, "The last time we sent an email to this address, it came back saying the email address was invalid", or something like that. So now I can't change my password, or remember it. So I can't go on Club Penguin at all. I can't believe this. I'm sorry that I can't post the mission walkthrough, but I sent some emails to the Club Penguin support center. Sorry again. I hope I can get this figured out.



Supersoradud said...

Do you need a penguin?
I'm pretty sure I have a spare one you could use if you wanted...
I can also try emailing CP about this...
Hope things to better for ya!

Supersoradud said...

Oops, when I said to in my comment I meant go... Lolz.