Friday, January 23, 2009

New Mission: Waddle Squad

Hey everyone. I know I'm way behind with this walkthrough. It's just that I haven't been able to change my password, bla, bla, bla. Well now it's working again! So here's the walkthrough.

You start out in the HQ. In front of you is G, who is drawing something, Jet Pack Guy (you may know him from the DS game), and Rookie. Talk to G. He asks you if you are ready to start. Say yes. He tells you that your next mission requires a team of penguins. He tells you that the penguins in the Mine made a discovery: The Golden Puffle has been found! He tells you that the PSA will be guarding the puffle. The Puffle is being kept in the Night Club. He asks if you have any questions.

Q: What are our assignments?
A: I'm glad you asked, Agent. Each of you will be assigned to guard an entranceway into the Night Club. You'll be sent immediately to the scene where you'll...

Then the screens go blank. They turn back on, and Herbert is on all of them. Jet Pack Guy (JPG) asks, What's going on?
Herbert: Hello my fowl friends. It's good to see you again.
You: Herbert!

Herbert tells you of a plan to use the puffles. Then Rookie says, You'll never get the Golden Puffle that is in the Night Club! or something like that. So, Herbert is planning to take the Golden Puffle. He goes off screen. Then a smaller screen pops up, with a shadow. (The Director). The Director basically tells you that the Golden Puffle isn't real, and it is just good bait for Herbert, except in many more words. Continue talking.

Go to the Gift Shop and talk to the green penguin behind the desk. He/She asks you for help setting up their clearance table outside. Help them. (It will probably be the extra prize.) Take all of the supplies and put them in your inventory. Set them up outside. Then go back inside. Talk to the penguin, then talk to Rookie. Rookie tells you that the magnet isn't working. Tell him you need a power source. He asks you to grab the solar panel that he forgot, while he stays with the magnet. Go to the HQ. Grab the solar panel from the box behind G. Go back to Rookie. Attach the panel to the end of the wire bunch. Then you have to make a path with the soldering thing. Here's a picture of the path to make.

Then go back and talk to Rookie. Then head to the Beach, where you will find the JPG. He tells you that his jet pack broke down. He tells you that he spilled the fuel, and he needs more. He says you can make fuel using hot sauce and cream soda, and he already has the hot sauce. Go into the Lighthouse for some cream soda. Grab the barrel in the back and bring it back outside. Talk to the JPG. He says that you need to pour the cream soda in a specific way. Give the barrel to him. You have to get 4 ounces/cups or whatever in both the 8 and the 5. You can click on the bottle for the cheat on how to do it. Go back to the HQ after JPG takes off. Talk to G. Go to the Dock and talk to the guy there. Ask for some rope. He gives you it. Then go to the Night Club and set up the trap there. Once you set up the rope, click on the red lever. The machine breaks, so you have to fix it. Use your wrench to take off the silver panel. Then click on the inside parts. Move the gears like this.

Then the trap lifts. Go to the HQ to receive a call on your Spy Phone. It's JPG, and he says that Herbert is at the Dock. Go there. It is Klutzy, with a cutout version of Herbert. Then he runs up the mountain. Rookie calls to say that Herbert is at the Night Club. Go there. Herbert is there. Talk to him. Then click the red lever. He lifts up the trap. Then G calls saying all agents move in. JPG comes in, and Herbert lifts up the puffle. Then the magnet comes through the wall. Rookie comes in too. Click on JPG, and you get the jet pack. Click on the trap. You caught him! G shows him his options. Then Herbert asks for his one phone call. Rookie gives him his phone. Then Herbert teleports away. He drops something. Everyone else leaves, and G picks up the package. It's a package of seeds. Then G tells you to be ready. Congratulations! It wasn't exactly a good ending, but you finished. Be ready for the next mission!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hey...I'm upset. I'm upset about Cena at Team Club Penguin Cheats for not writing back to me once, which you heard me complaining about on WLCP. I'm upset about Club Penguin. I got the Club Penguin DS game for Xmas. I tried to go onto the internet to upload my coins,but my password was too long. So, I went on the website to change it, and I did. Then I entered it on the DS game, and it worked. Then I could upload my coins. A little while after, I tried to go onto Club Penguin, but I couldn't remember my password. So, I tried to go onto the section where I could change it, and I entered in my penguin's name, Petey Flipp. I entered in the email address I gave when I made Petey, and clicked Submit. It said, "The last time we sent an email to this address, it came back saying the email address was invalid", or something like that. So now I can't change my password, or remember it. So I can't go on Club Penguin at all. I can't believe this. I'm sorry that I can't post the mission walkthrough, but I sent some emails to the Club Penguin support center. Sorry again. I hope I can get this figured out.


Friday, January 2, 2009

New Mission!

Hey all you Secret Agents! I've heard that the new mission is out, but I haven't been able to do it yet. If you read my other blog, then you'll know that I was in New Hampshire, where I coudn't get Internet service. I'm going to complete the mission tomorrow or the next day. Then I'll post the walkthrough for it so all of the penguins that didn't complete it yet can with my help. I hope you all enjoyed the year of 2008!

-Secret Agent, Petey Flipp