Sunday, November 16, 2008

Surfing Tip

Hey everyone. Here's an awesome tip for Catchin' Waves.

If you have one, then hold your silver surfboard before you go into the game. You don't need the surfboard to do the trick, but it helps. Using the silver surfboard makes you go way faster, jump way higher, and have more control. Okay. Jump into the air, and make circles with your mouse to do flips. Do as many as you can before you hit the top of the wave. When you are balancing on the top of the wave, press the down arrow. It doubles your score! I hope you use this trick to get lots of coins!

Petey Flipp

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Mission Walkthrough

Here's the new mission walkthrough: Operation: Spy & Seek

1. Talk to G. At any time, you can come back here and ask him for help on constructing a kite and for fixing the duck.

2. Take the deflated duck and the three tracking devices. Also take the blueprint on the wall.

3. Go to the Forest.

4. Take the stick at the forest.

5. Put the stick and the paper together to make a kite.

6. Go to the Plaza. Talk to the penguins there.

7. Click on the gum that is in between them. Then ask for some of the gum.

8. Stick the gum on the rubber duck.

9. Go to the Dock. Talk to the green penguin.

10. Tell him you will help him start his boat. Click on the brown handle and pull it. Then ask for the pump.

11. Click on the pump and put it in your inventory. Then click on the pump and click on the duck. Pump the duck with air.

12. Go to the Ski Lodge. Talk to the penguins there.

13. Click on all of the Find Four pieces that you can find. Go up to the Attic too.

14. Once you're in the Attic, click on the string under the rug.

15. Attach the string to the kite. Attach the tracking device to the kite.

16. Give all of the pieces back to the penguins.

17. Go to the top of the mountain. Attach the kite-tracking device to the pole.

18. Go to the Iceberg. Attach the tracking device to the duck. Send the duck device out in the water.

19. Go to the Mine Shack. Talk to Rory.

20. Ask if you can help him.

21. Click on the wooden boards next to the gutter thing.

22. Move the pieces around like a puzzle:

**Move piece #3 all the way to the left. Move #4 all the way down. Move #2 all the way to the right. Move #1 all the way down. Move #5 (trough) all the way down. Move #1 all the way down again. Move #5 all the way down again.

23. Talk to Rory again. Tell him you will help more.

24. Click on the cart that is on its side, then on the welding torch.

25. Cover up all of the cracks.

26. Send the last tracking device down inside the cart.

27. Report back to HQ.

28. Talk to G, then take the Binoculars.

29. Head to the fishing area outside the Ski Lodge.

30. Click on the binoculars, then click on the tree across the frozen lake. Click on Herbert.

31. Talk to G through your phone.

32. Go across the lake, then grab the Spy Phone.

33. Attach the phone to the binoculars. Put the camera in the tree across from Herbert's camp.

34. Report back to HQ.

35. Talk to G, then watch the screen.

Receive your medal and your gift.

Petey Flipp, out.