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Next I'll do The Case Of The Missing Coins. Get ready!
Here's the walkthrough for G's Secret Mission:
You start in the Sport Shop. G is there, and you ask him for your mission. He gives you a riddle to solve: "To find the secret word look near a lively game; pointing to a path with a rabbit in its name." The lively game is sledding, so you go to the mountain. The Bunny Hill run is the one with a rabbit in its name, so you look at the type. It is a green circle. On the trail map in the middle, the one with green circles has a code, like the other ones do. If you decode it, it has a secret word. I don't want to give away the whole thing, so I'll let you figure out the word. Then you go back to G's, and give him the word. He says ok, and leads you over to a homemade sled. He tells you to test it, so you go to the mountaintop again. Now you will notice, in the back, a new sign saying "Test Run". You click on the sled, and click on the trail. Then you go sledding, but it is unlike regular sledding. You have to dodge things in your path, but eventually you will crash. (Don't worry, you're supposed to crash.) You awake in the wilderness of Club Penguin. There are some things to grab from the area. You grab the rope, and what do you know! a survival guide! You can read it if you want, or you can just read this. Then you go to what looks like a bush. Grab 3 berries from it. You can fit all three in one inventory box. Then you can go to the tree stump. There are wild puffles there! They all run away except for the black one. If you feed him an O berry, he'll catch on fire and fly around for a second or two, then he smiles and stays by you for the rest of the way. Then go to the place with the bush and the log. There is a ski in the bush. Grab it and put it into the inventory. You can click on it then click on the rope to make a fishing rod. The O Berry acts as bait. Click on a berry and click on your contraption. Voila! Go back to the area with the berries, and in the tree off to the right there is a pot in it. Click on the trunk of the tree a couple times to get it loose. Then go to the cave thing. Click on the bushes, and they will part. That will be your shelter. Then go to the river and there will be a nice looking log. Put that into your inventory, then go to the river. Click on the pot and click on the river to fill it with water. Then click on your fishing pole and click on the river. You'll catch a fish, then go back to the cave. You can click on the stones to make a fire pit. Put the log in the pit, then click on the survival guide and click on the fire. It becomes tinder, then feed the puffle the O Berry. He should light on fire, thus lighting the log. Then put the water and the fish on the fire and click on them to eat/drink them. You fall asleep, and then when you wake up and go outside there is an agent to save you. Then you are done. You can receive the medal and anything else. Congrats!
Here's the walkthrough for The Missing Puffles mission:You start off in Aunt Arctic's igloo. You talk to her, and she tells you that two of her puffles are missing. You then go to the door and head to the ice rink. If you go all the way to the right, there is a picture of two puffles. Bring them back to Aunt Arctic. She will be assured they are safe, and at the end you receive a letter and a picture because of your extra efforts. Then, you go to the Pet Shop. There is a note attached to one of the puffle houses. If you decode it with the code, it says "G has __ pairs of socks." Then you go to the Sport Shop. G will be there at the desk. You talk to him, and ask if he has any SPECIAL items. He asks you how many pairs of socks he has, and you give him the answer from the note in the Pet Shop. Then you go to the open cabinet, and get the life preserver shooter. Then you go to the iceberg and click on the stranded penguins. They tell you what happened, and you have to save them. You have to pay attention to the wind speed and direction, and after you'vve saved them, talk to the green penguin off to the left. He says he saw 2 puffles fly away, because one had a propellor cap. You go back to the Sport Shop. You get the grappling hook, then go to the Mountain. There is a penguin with a broken telescope, and you have to fix it with your wrench in your spy phone. Then he lets you use it, and you have to look at the tallest mountain. There is a green puffle with a propellor cap. Then you go to the tallest mountain on the map and use the grappling hook on the top. You climb up and the puffles are there. You then go back to Aunt Arctic's igloo and you're done! Then you can receive the medal (and the letter if you found the pictures). Next will be G's Secret Mission. Get ready!
As you can probably tell from the title of this post, and from my other blog, I am going to start posting the walkthroughs for the missions. I'll start with the first one, and after I finish them, if you have any objections, just let me know.Your fearless leader,Petey Flipp :D